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Project team visit to Argentina and Chile

Over the last two weeks, project members Mat Johnson and Angel Martin Caballero have been in Argentina and Chile undertaking fieldwork and presenting at a number of events including at USNAM, CONICET and the ILO's southern cone office in Santiago. Although the less said about the elections the better....

A session with Master's students at USNAM in Buenos Aires

A session with Master's students at USNAM in Buenos Aires

Angel's presentation

Angel's presentation at the ILO

ILO session on platform work in Santiago

ILO session on platform work in Santiago

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Working Futures Report

Our thoughts on the future of work were included in a recent Policy@Manchester report which you can read here

Working Futures (

Don’t worry about the future, what about the ‘now of work’?

Mat Johnson and Eva Herman

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The battle to be seen and heard: Essential workers during and after covid-19

The battle to be seen and heard: Essential workers during and after covid-19

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Rebuilding the foundations - decent work after Covid-19

The foundational economy needs to be central to Covid-19 recovery plans, say Mat Johnson and Eva Herman

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Article published in Forbes Magazine

An article discussing the effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on working patterns has been published in Forbes magazine.

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